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paper iceberg

Wow, friends and fans, the Indigogo campaign for The Age of Melting film met our goal in a record ONE WEEK!   I am one lucky artist, with an incredible community. Thank you, thank you for your support.    And now, every donation (they are still rolling in !!) is helping us not only to complete the film and companion website, but also to fund the next phase of the project: the Age of Melting at SummerWorks Festival in Toronto this August.   Next post will be all about the plans for SummerWorks.  Part installation, part longitudinal public conversation, part performance, I’m getting ready to tell you more about what’s in store this August….and in the meantime, THANK YOU AGAIN for your incredible support and generosity.  Last weekend, Elysha and I had a chance to perform part of the work in Montreal.  Tomorrow (thanks to you) I’m going to do some more sound editing with Don Kerr, edging closer to the film’s finish line….