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This Saturday Sept 20th, I join the fab MR. Something Something at their Bicycle Powered Dance Party at the Brickworks Farmers Market.  I will be performing a set of material from my new Bicycle Show…a spokenword “cycle” which features a bicycle as percussion as well as metaphor!  I’m excited about this new piece, which I will be performing also on Sept 24, at the Tranzac as part of the final Girls with Glasses Wednesday night variety show.  I’ve been holed up in my studio all month, writing new material and attaching contact microphones to my bike and making lots of weird noises with it and my band. I think the show is going to be cool.  Ever heard of Annie Londonderry, the first woman to bicycle around the world, in 1894? Got a taste for two-wheeled words? Want to wield words? What’s your spin on bicycles? Join me for these “workshop” shows, and give me your two cents.