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Bucket of Time

When I saw you there, like a truck driving too fast
in the wrong lane, there’s gonna be a crash
And when I saw you there, well you know it had been so long
I forgot the words to our old song
But you wish fate had brought us a white picket fence,
you say there’s no such thing as coincidence, you’re trying to turn back time
but time runs on, it’s a leaky faucet
and I couldn’t catch all those drips in a bucket
even if time were mine to keep, yeah even if time were mine.

When I fell for you, I fell too fast:
I was bare feet, you were broken glass.
And when I fell for you, well you know I fell too far,
now you try to tell me about the way things are.
But I know sometimes things, they fall together
and just like you can’t predict the weather, sometimes they fall apart.
And sometimes none of the broken pieces seem to fit,
and sometimes everything turns to shit
and all you get is a broken heart, yeah all you get is a broken heart

Well I hear you now, sounds like nothing’s changed.
Same old words, it’s the same old games.
And it’s the same old tune, and it’s the same old sky,
same old time that’s still flying by.
But look at you standing there like nothing’s changed,
time is still time, it’s me who’s rearranged,  now you’re on your own again.
But look at me standing here, everything’s changed,
and I’ve only got the road to blame, yeah I’m on the road again.

And you wish fate had brought us a white picket fence,
you say there’s no such thing as coincidence, you’re trying to turn back time
but time runs on, it’s a leaky faucet
and I couldn’t catch all those drips in a bucket
even if time were mine to keep
yeah even if time were mine,
or if this road was a straight line,
yeah even if time were mine.

evalyn parry all rights reserved SOCAN 2002