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How nice is it when someone comes to see the show, and loves it so much that he not only buys the tshirt and CD, but offers you bicycles to get around town on for the rest of the week? Last night (before the most incredible rainstorm i think i’ve ever seen) our new friend Aldo set us up with two fantastic bicycles so we can get around Minneapolis in style for our remaining 5 days here. I will tell you, i consider this kind of thing to be one of the most beautiful parts of the (crazy) touring life: when people so generously offer to help you, show you the place they live, and make you more comfortable there. It is a real and beautiful gift.
A standing O at our latest SPIN performance made us feel very welcome in town, and we’ve had time now to check out several other (awesome) shows here – our fav’s include Casebolt and Smith’s “O(h)”, Jessica Ferris’s “Missing” and Troy Conrad’s “The Bush Monologues”.