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special note for FGC

Hey friends / Friends who requested a copy of the “Quaker Flavour” poem from last night’s Friends General Conference concert in Grinnell, Iowa:   here’s the link to the text for you!    The concert last night was a special kind of homecoming, performing for this community who have given me so much support, courage and inspiration as an artist and as a person.   Thanks FGC for having me.   Quakers rock.

7 comments on “special note for FGC”

  1. evalyn says:

    thanks lisa – so glad you connected with the NW Passage piece (which i call “To Live in the Age of Melting”. I will be recording it on CD in the fall. For now, i believe it will be posted (along with the rest of the concert) on the FGC site via youtube.

  2. Lisa Lister says:

    Although I treasured the energy of all your songs, like others I was entranced by Northwest Passage, and feel blessed to have experienced you and the song live in that space with others feeling likewise entranced. In reflection, it felt very much like a “gathered” meeting. When can we share it with others via MP3 or CD?

  3. evalyn says:

    thanks Bruce – so glad it connected for you.

  4. Bruce Thron-Weber says:

    Our standing ovation for you after The Northwest Passage was not just support. I, and I am sure most of us were enthralled by what you have created. I liked the synthesized repetition and the paairing of the two stories. You took me deep into contemplation.

  5. Angie Martin says:

    I have been haunted by the northwest passage. Thank you for sharing that piece with us.

  6. roberta merrill says:

    Ha ha ha ~ Simply love, love your Quaker Flavour poem ~
    Make me laughing happppily, I know I know.. many friends asked me many questions related to Quaker…. What is Quaker, exactly ?
    Just love your funnny, sooooo humour words, thank you for being you, the funnny Quaker girl ~ keeep writing!!! Wannna hear more of your poems/ lyrics..
    I am Quaker & Deaf, proud of who I am ~
    I attended FGC over the past several years….. love FGC LOTZ !!! Unexpectly I experience many life shifting..
    One of the shifts as I no longer interested going to FGC maybe just for now or not ever…. becuz of HUGE thousands of people…. sooo HUGE to walk to many different directions to the workshops, music, cafeteria, etc….. I felt lost and distant of the community ~ I soo love small gathering that feels intimacy and connected~
    I had sign language interpreters for FGC…….. very helpful !! I knew so many Friends, just love seeing and remembering old faces over the years…. throwing hugs to many of F/friends always soooo nice and sweet ~
    I have you on my facebook page…. will look forward to learning much more about ya and life events~
    Thinking of you @ FGC !!
    Love ~ Friend, roberta

  7. Peterson Toscano says:

    Yummy yummy–your performance was delicious last night and what an audience! We love you here in Quakerland–Please hold the nuts–in the Light.

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