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To Live in the Age of Melting, in development at Theatre Passe Muraille

Pleased to announce that my project, To Live in the Age of Melting, will have another phase of development (with a public showing) at Theatre Passe Muraille in December 2015. Horray! Thanks TPM for welcoming us into your hallowed halls.


In advance of the creative development period in December, this June my collaborator Elysha Poirier and I are heading to Churchill Manitoba by train.


Yeah, it’s a 40 hour train trip from Winnipeg to Churchill (population 880). Why Churchill?

Well, Glenn Gould’s 1967 radio documentary, ‘The Idea of North’, (which inspired part of this project) was recorded (in part) on that train trip, so we decided to follow in his footsteps (or…train tracks…?) 50 years later, and see what conversations we can have with folks about what the North means to Canada today, and what Canada means to the North.

Plus, this project is inspired by how climate change is affecting the North (and thus, the rest of Canada and the planet), and Churchill is the most northern destination in Canada you can get to by train, and….that seemed right.  As in: the right way to travel, on a project about climate change.

Want to know more about where we’re heading with the project, and why? Here’s some further description….